We Are Come To Your Place (DELIVERY CAR POLISH)

Senin, Desember 28, 2009

aerio with wactype auto polish



The Owners:
Plat     :  B 611 JP
Name  : Rido Justisia Prabowo
Cars    : Suzuki Aerio (ORANGE)


1 komentar:

  1. First off, you need to take off the top and bottom covers on your ECU. This will give you access to the chip-side and the solder-side of the ECU. You'll have to locate the 28-pin chip to de-solder it. In the above picture, it shows where the chip is on the chip-side of the
    Honda chips for cars. If you're not sure you can always count the number of pins on each chip to be sure. All 90-91 PM6 ECU's will have 28-pins and 88-89's are not chippable you'll kno right off the bat.
